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Our Services

Our clients include individuals, couples, and families at various stages of their life cycle. That’s why we offer a complete range of services to help you achieve whatever goals you have or financial matters you want to tackle. We only know one way to get you to where you want to be, and that’s to cover your financial needs from start to finish.

This chart gives you a glimpse of the services and tools we offer and lets you see, at a glance, which of those services you are most likely to need based on your stage in life (Millennial, Gen X or Baby Boomer). To learn more, click on each service in the left-hand column.

As you see, much of what we do revolves around planning your financial future, both short-term and long-term. To learn why planning for our clients is fundamental to helping our clients achieve their goals, please click here.

One of the most important aspects of planning is understanding your stage of life and the unique challenges people of your generation typically face. That’s why we have specific initiatives to help you increase your savings. Click below to find out what our generation-specific programs can do for you.

Millenial Savings Initiative

GenX Savings Initiative

Boomer Savings Initiative

We spend time getting to know you; your needs and wants, your hopes and dreams, your current situation and your plans for the future. Then we create a personalized plan built to help you meet your financial goals.

Planning Services

* Investment Planning  What is your risk tolerance? Are your investments working as hard for you as they should? To customize the right plan for you, we take into account a host of considerations, including your financial goals and your comfort level with various types of investments, allowing you to grow your money without growing your stress level.  Then we bring our knowledge and experience to the table to find the most effective ways to meet your goals and your parameters.
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Cash Flow Management   How much money do you earn and how much do you spend? Do you have enough money to cover all of your expenses or are you hanging on at the end of each month? We’ll create a complete picture that will help you find places to improve your cash flow and then a plan to best utilize your cash flow to increase your savings. 
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Tax Planning   Do you know how taxes will affect your income? Do you know how taxes will affect your investments? What are you doing to ensure that you are not paying more than you have to to the Federal and State governments? Our expert Tax Planning is part and parcel of a comprehensive financial plan so you earn the most you can and keep more of what you earn.
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* College Planning   Where do you begin to save for your children’s college education?  Which college savings plan option should you use?  How do you allocate these funds? On average, tuition tends to increase about 8% per year, which means the cost of college doubles every nine years. The earlier you plan for college the easier saving for it will be.  We are expert at helping you understand the best options and find the smartest ways to achieve your college savings goals.
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* Retirement Planning Do you think you’re too young to plan for retirement? Or that it’s too late? Are you worried that you’ll never have enough money to retire? A retirement plan can save you from potential surprises at a time you can least afford them. When we build a plan for you, we start with where you want to be when you retire and then use our expertise and experience to create the roadmap to get you there.
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Estate Planning   What will happen to your assets when you die or if you become incapacitated? Are you aware that not having a plan could cost your beneficiaries money, plus plenty of work and stress? An estate plan ensures your instructions will be carried out concerning how your assets will be distributed, what should happen to your business, safeguards for children or adults needing assistance, and much more. An estate plan will help ensure your family is protected.
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Risk Management   How will you pay bills should you or your partner be unable to work? What would happen if something catastrophic happened to you – would your spouse and children be okay, or would their lives be totally disrupted due to finances? We are experts at helping you manage the risks that could pull the rug out from under your family’s financial security.
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Asset Allocation Diversification   How can you balance risk versus reward? Is there one right way to allocate assets among stocks, bonds, cash and other investments? Nobel Prize-winning economist Harry Markowitz wrote that 91% of a rate of return is based on asset classes and portfolio construction rather than investments themselves. In other words, more than the selection of individual securities, the way your assets are allocated among various investments will determine your investment results. That’s why we are dedicated to Asset Allocation Diversification and why we work with you to regularly re-balance your portfolio.
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Accounting and Legal Assistance  Most of our clients require the services of a CPA at some point, as well as an attorney to help with wills, trusts or other estate planning needs. We have top-quality professionals to whom we can refer you. We work with these individuals on a regular basis and trust them to give you the rock-solid advice and help you need and deserve.
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Online Tools  With just a click, you have access to a glossary of over 200 terms that explain various financial concepts, ideas, and strategies, tax tools and information to help you prepare for April 15th, and some 40 different calculators to help you figure out your personal finances.
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Online Customer Portal  All of your account information is safely stored where only you can access it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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eMoney Advisor  This tool allows you to view your financial planning progress, as well as all of your financial holdings in one snapshot. eMoney gives you the power to reach your most important financial milestone by helping you visualize how your goals impact your long-term financial outlook.
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The services, tools and information, as well as privacy and security measures, offered herein are provided by eMoney Advisor, LLC. For more information on eMoney’s privacy policy and security safeguards, please visit  Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. and Gottlieb Advisory Group make no representations or warranties of any kind about the information, products or services contained herein.